Day 2 in Haiti, our first official work day, and I would say it
went very well, emotional to say the least. This morning we met and decided who
would go where, and then got on our new favorite vehicle a “tap tap” (you “tap”
when you need to stop or go) to take us up to the community. 
I (Kate) and Betsy went with Dr. Josh to the clinic. Chad, Lyle, Connor,
Rick and Earl all went to the construction site. Janelle, Rebekah and Sara
stayed with the women to help out with the cooking for the Feeding Program.  For three hours we all stayed at our
work sites, then re-gathered for our Lunch & the Feeding Program, it was
such a great experience to be able to serve so many children one solid meal
today, and guess what, we get to do that EVERYDAY…I was even more grateful for
it when I saw a couple of my “loves” (local children that I have attached too)
eat dinner later on in the evening, which was basically water as a broth and
crumbles of some sort of meat, very saddening!! I am very proud of us all,
Rebekah did Part Two of the Trauma seminar, a great turn out and the Haitians
were very very receptive tonight, GOOD NEWS, she might have impacted a lot more
people then she thought she would!!  And as for me, I am enjoying my kiddos
and the relationships I am making, it really humbles me and makes me wonder what
God really has in store for me. Is Haiti my new home?! Does God want me to
become a permanent volunteer fixture in this community?! Oh the questions your
mind comes up with the second we walk out of the hotel lobby…Anxious to see what
  tomorrow has to bring!! Much Love to You All, Keep on Praying for Us &
Bon-nu-wee (Goodnight)!! Psalm 32:11

Jason Ladd
5/7/2012 01:30:56 pm

Keep up the great work, The lives you are touching there are remarkable. The oppurtunities to talk about your trip has opened dialog about as well. We look forward to hearing more when you return.

Wanda Martin
5/7/2012 01:39:43 pm

May your hearts be encouraged and your lives be forever changed by this experience. Praying for you!

Pastor Rick
5/7/2012 07:27:38 pm

It is a blessing to watch and listen from a distance as your dream becomes reality. You are difference makers! Jesus had a similar experience Matthew 9:36-38 when he looked around and saw people that were "harassed and hopeless like sheep without a shepherd" The scripture said he had compassion on them. Then he prayed for "workers to be sent out into the harvest field" he was praying for workers like you....thanks for answering the call.

5/7/2012 09:09:46 pm

Sounds like a wonderful day!!! The photos are wonderful! The joy on the kids's faces & yours made my day. I am proud of all of you and the work you are all doing!

Donna Dwyer
5/7/2012 09:33:39 pm

Your pictures bring back many memories of when I went on 2 mission trips to the Dominican Republic. Your lives will be changed forever. You will come away more blessed than ever. Cherish every moment with those you are helping! God has truly opened doors for us to be able to help those in need. Blessings to all

Kathy Klein
5/7/2012 10:25:30 pm

Katlyn I am soo proud of you and the whole group, you are truely a gift from God! Keep up the great work everyone!!! Pictures are awsome,really just great, keep smiling xoxo

Rebecca Rouse
5/7/2012 10:35:40 pm

Sounds like some great work is being done there and in all your lives as well! So excited to see whats next for you all when you come back - missions has an impact on everyone - not just those you went to share Gods love w/, it effects you as well!

Pam Roesch
5/8/2012 12:07:52 am

I love being able to check in everyday to see the great work that you all are doing. So many smiles in the pictures from all of you and the Haitians puts a smile on my face as well. Continued prayers that your trip will make a huge impact on many lives, including yours.

Sherry Wittlinger
5/8/2012 02:39:50 am

I'm so enjoying reading about the remarkable, no doubt life-changing experiences you are all having! It reminds me of my going to Flagstaff, AZ on a missions trip when I was 18 yrs old...went from Buffalo to Flagstaff on a Greyhound bus...that was an experience in itself... I (along with the 4 others I went with) on a Navajo Indian Reservation with children, doing VBS during the week and helping with what we could...was an amazing experience and God truly taught me soooo much on that trip!
Continued prayers for y'all as you are doing HIS work!

5/8/2012 09:18:38 am

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us vis written word and picutres. You can feel / see the hand of God at work through it!

Deb LaBarr
5/8/2012 09:19:12 am

Wow! God has some amazing people working for Him! Prayers continue daily for you all - for strength as you get tired, wisdom to know what to say/do in each situation, and flexibility with a sense of humor when things don't always go as planned (ummm...hopefully no more things break)

George k
5/8/2012 09:48:46 am

So happy to here everyone is in good spirits. May he bless you all..thinking of you always...


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